vol.62014.3.15 Sat & 16 SunVol.6 うつわと食と雪解けの会

焼しめ鯖 亀岡大根 新玉葱
薄氷仕立 マイヤーレモン

春の京野菜 河内鴨生ハム
京鯖 肝ソース 木の芽マヨネーズ

淡雪 毛ガニ 小蕪 うすいえんどう 柚子

京赤地鶏 かゆ仕立
クコの実 松の実 山椒

霜月 木ノ芽 花桜

御薄 雅の白

[ 参加作家からのメッセージ&プロフィール ]

Naoto Ishii

 いのち戴くことは、再びいのち巡ること 豊穣を祈って手を合わせる。

“Thousands years ago, people in this island lived along with the rhythm of the land. They offered “Ae” to the land to worship God. To take the life away from the land is to let the lives circulate. Therefore we pray for harvest. A ridge line, a mountain stream, a line of clouds, all lead to pottery, the Utsuwa-mono”


About 36 years ago, when he thought about the environment, the soil suddenly became a big concern to him. In the meanwhile, he saw a Kogo, a incense container made by a potter, Bernard Leach at Ohara museum of art which moved him very much. He then started an agricultural life in Yamagata-gun Hiroshima, helped to built kiln in Shimane and Bizen. trained at “Doraku-Tohen” in Iga. After working in Okinawa and Kameoka, he got and reclaimed a wilderness, built his own atelier “ Dokkatouyu” and his own kiln ,the type of Renboshiki-nobori-gama in Kyo-tanba Now he fire the kiln only once a year. His pottery see the light after 100 hours of constant firing.

Taro Tabuchi


“Being soft but strong, I would like to go on making pottery with nature.”


He studied pottery in Osaka University of Art. After working at a pottery school, he built an atelier and his own kiln deep in the mountain in Kagawa. Beautiful texture and color of his porcelain looks just like the snow thaw. He cherishes the power of nature and enjoys the transformation that the fire of the kiln brings to his work. Born in Kagawa, 1977.

Tokuhiro Masubuchi


“ Looking over snowy Kirishima lit up by the worm spring sunshine, I made these utsuwa. Can’t wait to see them be served in Kyoto.”


After worked as a potter in Seto, Kasama, and Miyazaki for 13 years, 
Stood on his own feet in 2005. His design school studied senses, rich experience and high skills support to create the fine hand-carved patterns, formative art, and beautiful colour. Born in Ibaraki, 1970.

1616 / Arita Japan クリエイティブディレクター 柳原照弘
1616 / Arita Japan  Creative director Teruhiro Yanagihara


“This is the new standard of Arita-yaki, the first pottery of Japan started in 1616.


Inspired by the profound experience and skills of local Arita craftsmen, designer and creative director Teruhiro Yanagihara developed a complete new ceramics brand for Momota–Touen Corporation. 1616 / Arita Japan products are produced in the same factories as the original Arita pottery but take a complete different design approach. The series nicely fit our real life and meal.